ermm, what do you think? is it the rock or the pop preset? the depths and the highs are definitely boosted...
deeper meaning
kittens in da club
some people represent the personalisation of self-confidence. regardless, of whether i like their doings, styles, apperances or whether there is a doubting soul underneath the cool exterior: just because of their bravery these people earn my respect.
state of flux
being almost 30 years present on this planet, nevertheless living a life that is still in a state of flux. that's how it should be. booked my first jump across the pond today, i'm so happy! in may tina and i will stay some days in nyc.
during the coming seven days i'll be away and additionally very busy, so please let me get away with shorter and / or delayed postings.
“stuttgart, berlin, get prepped for me. i’m coming.”
birthday ice
do you still remember cloud spotting? while i was just searching the web for some information about this dreamy, childish activity, i stumbled upon an pretty funny startup, that deals with exactly this topic. depending on how one looks at it, i took part in the (desired) community today, although i dealt with ice instead of condensate, so to say with another phase of matter:
i for one went in for ice spotting. on my way home from a late afternoon walk i had kicked the above-shown piece of ice already two to three times, before i noticed its special structure after all. well, i must admit, that the iced character is not quite self-explaining, but if you use your imagination in full strength, you might see a figure '1' (with a little kink). for me it wasn't a coincidence, that i discovered the '1' (okay, maybe i wanted to see it):
“today dybydy-phtgrphy has its first anniversary.”
yes, i'm a bit proud, but mainly amazed, how fast the time has gone. to be honest, there will be no dedicated flashbacks, summaries or canny answers at this place. therefor i'm far from being fed up with photography; additionally forward-looking seems to be more productive than summing things up every x steps. in my humble opinion my learning curve is still going up, on some points more, on some less. be sure, i'm going to work on my skills, with passion, fun and dedication.
at this point two more facts: although this blog is first of all a project of and especially for me, i want to thank each and every one of you, who reads, shares, comments on and delights in my images. almost 50k hits were counted during the last year... wow! and finally i want to renew my declaration of love to my camera: after more than ten months of daily usage, i can see, that
“for the present the sony nex 7 is my ideal daily companion.”
did you like the first year of dybydy-phtgrphy? and how about cloud spotting?
earth & human - oneWay?
do we go the right, correct, aligned and indulgent way? this one way, that is mandatory if you want to venerate your counterpart? or is it a one-way, a non-returnable relationship between mankind and nature?
the image, i show you today, displays the status quo, how i perceive the current evolution. nature is present, we see it, sometimes. but nature is more than that - it is the centre and basis of everything. we consist of nature and we'll be morphed into nature again, anytime. but what does the mankind do? the humans tramp on the nature's beauty and overuse its precious regenerative properties.
this being the case, i admit, with my graphical representation of the cooperation between mankind and home planet i look a bit at the black side, whereas this portrayal intentionally makes a very pessimistic, alarming image.
if you are interested in the scenery - how i discovered the scene - by clicking here you will be guided to the two stops underexposed, non-processed jpg from raw and by clicking here you will see a non-graphical, classic interpretation of the scene. pretty boring, isn't it?
driving all night
have you ever thought about the peculiarities of an engagement as a long-distance truck driver? considering the unfavourable boundary conditions i have great respect for this profession. it's not just that the family men are mostly not at home to wake the children in the morning or to put the kids to bed in the evening (like pilots, mariners, soldiers and probably a good many other professionals, too), in return they bring in only very little money. due to the schengen agreement the average wages for truck drivers still decrease since the east european drivers do the same job with less grumble for less money.
under observation
germany is still under observation, mostly by itself. its charged younger history, especially with the atrocities of ww2, constitutes an incubus that is still present in the public opinion.
in yesterday evening's tv chat show 'hard but fair' which is broadcasted on germany's first channel the subject for discussion was the current bestseller book 'he's back again' that is on first place of the bestseller list in germany since already ten weeks now. hitler sells very well. the author tells a satirical story about hitler who wakes up again in last year's berlin: so the führer has to understand all the things that have changed since his dead in 1945 with its own sense. added to this almost every person in the story is laughing at him. the central question of yesterday's tv show was if germany is ready to laughing at hitler, too? especially in consideration of the millions of dead people of ww2...
i for one can only say that i'm able to bring all the told things and jokes into line with the real history. although i'm no contemporary witness i'll never forget this hideous period of our history. despite that i've already listened to three quarters of the audio book: it's really clever and smart.
1202 - life delta
life delta - sony nex 7 | sel35 f1.8 | f4.0 | ISO1600 | 1/60
1002 - h2o
h2o - sony nex 7 | sel35 f1.8 | f5.6 | ISO100 | 1/1000